• Quartus II 13.1 Activation

    I Have a project based on Altera Cyclone III chip which is supported only for Quartus version below v14. So i need a Full version to make some modifaction on my project

    After 2 days digging the web for the crack or giveaway license, I got nothing , so i batched the program myself

    Activation steps:

    • Download official Quartus 13.1: https://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/software-kit/666220/intel-quartus-ii-web-edition-design-software-version-13-1-for-linux.html

    • Download Patched files : https://drive.google.com/file/d/1tlPxKtjD8hgnkkDcoESN2YVtF20UE0u2/view?usp=sharing
    • Repalce Dll files crossponded to your Machine : 13.1 x86 bin/sys_cpt.dll or 13.1 x64 bin64/sys_cpt.dll
    • change XXXXXXXXXXXX to the mac address of your network adapter in the license.dat file

    Tips to batch other version

    Preparing Rspi-zero-w OS:

    • 13.1 x86 bin/sys_cpt.dll 000E63D0: 55 8b ec -> 33 C0 C3
    • 13.1 x64 bin64/sys_cpt.dll 000A4D10: 4C 89 4C -> 33 C0 C3
    • 13.0 SP1 x86 bin/sys_cpt.dll 000E4F90: 55 8b ec -> 33 C0 C3
    • 13.0 SP1 x64 bin64/sys_cpt.dll 000A32C0: 4C 89 4C -> 33 C0 C3
    • 13.0 x86 bin/sys_cpt.dll 000E4F90: 55 8b ec -> 33 C0 C3
    • 13.0 x64 bin64/sys_cpt.dll 000A32C0: 4C 89 4C -> 33 C0 C3cs
  • Cross Compile QT5.15 for Raspberry Pi Zero W

    Qt is your best choice if you want to build a professional GUI for embedded Applications. So we gonna cross compile open source ‘Qt5.15.x’ for ‘Raspberry pi Zero W’

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